Covid-19 Staff Awareness

 What it will cover:

  • What is COVID-19 and how is it spread
  • What are outbreaks
  • What to do if you have symptoms
  • How will the hospital be zoned
  • How will decisions be made
  • Masks and Fit testing
  • How does procurement work
  • What do I need to do if I need a test
  • Agile working
  • Access to psychological support

Answer the questions below to demonstrate awareness. You will require 100% to pass.

Please use a modern browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to watch this video.

Mandatory COVID-19 Training from STRIVE Academic Centre on Vimeo.

1) Which answer is incorrect - You can help prevent transmission by?

2) When out of the clinical environment how far apart should you socially distance?

3) Do you need to socially distance when on a break?

4) Which answer is incorrect - Outbreaks among staff have been caused by;

5) If you have been advised to self-isolate as you have been identified as a contact you must continue to self-isolate for:

6) If you are advised to self-isolate after the development of symptoms you will be asked to have a repeat swab before returning to work at:

7) PPE is available out of hours via:

8) The definition of an outbreak is:

9) Which one is not considered to be a category of close contact:

10) Patients with confirmed or suspected covid-19 are placed on a:

11. Please confirm you have watched and understood the above video?

What is the sum of 7 and 2?